How to Speak Russian in 30 lessons
How to Speak Russian in 30 lessons
The fast Russian course from everyone is talking about
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Here is the first lesson in the Russian course How to speak Russian in 30 lessons. Let's start with the basics and then move on to something more advanced. So here I present Russian Lesson One. I know you have probably come across most of the Russian words from this lesson already but it could be helpful to some. Like they say - Practice makes perfect !
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Урок Русского 3 Russian Lesson.
What do you do for a living? Чем вы занимаетесь?
Let's continue to learn to speak Russian, shall we? In this lesson we'll talk about occupations and learn the relevant vocabulary. Throughout our lives we may engage in different occupations depending on our age and interests - first we go to kindergarten - детский сад, then school - школа, university - университет. When we graduate we may take a position at a company - компания, become a statesman - чиновник, a soldier - солдат, a professional sportsman - спортсмен, or a musician- музыкант and so on. We'll learn the essential vocabulary and listen to a number of dialogs that will help you learn the ready-to-use phrases. In the Grammar section we'll take a look at the present tense of Russian verbs, gender and number of nouns and more. Готовы? Вперёд!
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Russian Lesson 4 Русский Урок
Where do you live? Где вы живёте?
We continue to learn to speak Russian. We don't stop, do we? In this lesson we'll talk about geography, countries and nationalities. You'll learn how to say which country you come from, what language you speak and what nationality you are. In the Grammar part we'll learn gender and number of Russian adjectives, and the past tense of Russian verbs. Готовы? Вперёд!
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Hits: 25545
In this lesson we'll talk about best ways to learn a foreign language and also how to choose presents for your friends, learn a lot of useful vocabulary and practice with Russian pronunciation. In thу Grammar section we'll learn the past tense of Russian verbs. From lessons 1-4 you already know how to say which country you come from, which language you speak and what nationality you are. Готовы? Вперёд!
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In this lesson I'll teach you how to introduce yourself and have an interesting conversation with your friends. In the Grammar section we'll learn the Past and Future tenses of Russian verbs and prepositional case of Russian nouns. Normally when having a conversation you talk about your job/business, family and future plans. So we'll cover most of these topics in this lesson and learn lots of useful expressions.