Russian Adjectives : quantative, possesive and relative

Adjectives fall into 3 categories: qualitative, relative and possesive.

Qualitative denote different qualities of an object directly:

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  1. size : маленький дом, крупнейший центр, малый бизнес (little house, the largest center, small business)
  2. form : круглый стол, прямая дорога (a round table, a straight road)
  3. color: зеленый автобус (а green bus)
  4. physical qualities: теплый дождь (a warm rain) etc

Qualitative adjectives have:

  1. full and short form: умный - умен (smart)
  2. comparative forms: тупой - тупее (dumb - dumber)
  3. antomims(with не- or without it): правильный - неправильный - ошибочный (right - wrong) etc

Relative adjectives denote an attribute of an object thru a relationship to:

  1. other objects: военное собрание (military meeting)
  2. materials: бронзовый солдат (a bronze soldier)
  3. time: утренняя зарядка (a morning workout)
  4. space: московский фестиваль (a moscow festival)
  5. action: боксерская груша (a boxing bag)

The cannot have comparative forms.(you can't say это был более московский концерт -

that was a more moscow concertLaughing)

Possesive adjectives denote possesive data and answer the question - Чей?:

мамин торт (a mother's cake), папин дипломат (a father's case), Нобелевская премия (a Nobel prize).

Possesive adjectives are formed using these suffixes: -ин, -ов/-ев,-ий

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