Russian lessons for intermediate students
This series of Russian lessons are for those of you who already have the basics of Russian and would like to learn more. Hope you find the lessons easy to learn and helpful. I'm planning to make around 30 lessons here so that you could be pretty confident in starting a conversation in Russian with anybody and understanding the basics. Learn Russian and good luck!
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Russian Lesson - Winter fun in Russia
Урок русского - Зима в России
At the end of the video you will enjoy a beautiful snowy lift ride which I filmed when I went mountain skiing near the city of Nizhny Tagil. All the vocabulary used should be understood easily nad I encourage you to repeat after me aloud(when no one is around

Russian Lesson - Winter fun in Russia - Ice City
Урок русского - Зима в России - Ледяной городок
Today I present tp you another fun-to-learn Russian lesson for intermediate students with me narrating over the video with english and Russian subtitles for you to see. In this Russian Lesson we'll talk about Night Yekaterinburg and the Ice city - something unique we have in our city. A short tour of night Yekaterinburg in the winter time. Remember to learn Russian everyday. Учите русский каждый день!
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Intermediate Russian Lesson - Autumn
Summer is gone. Autumn has come. The season rotation never stops. So I thought it was a good idea to make a lesson about this beautiful season of the year. Autumn is Russian is Осень. Trees have lost their leaves and it started snowing. Days are becoming shorter and nights longer. It is getting colder. The Sun isn't as warm as it used to be...
In this lesson I used some footage I recorded earlier in October at my grandmother's Dacha/ Summer house (in Russian we call it Дача or Сад). It's a great place to spend time during summer months and a great opportunity for the elderly people to engage themselves in some gardening jobs.
For this lesson we'll have to learn some useful phrases :
Дерево - a tree
Листья - leaves
Сезон - season
Снег - snow
Дождь - rain
Град - hail
Now go ahead and watch today's lesson on Autumn!
Now Take the Quiz!
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