Russia Travel - Learn about Russia's culture, history,travel,holidays, music and people!
Russian Music
I think it could be really interesting for many learners of Russian to learn more about Russian music and popular singers and bands. It is also a great way to further improve your language skills if you choose to translate and remember some lyrics.
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Russian Songs from the 1930-1970es
Let me add this first beautiful Russian song from the 1940-es 'Katyusha!'.
Расцветали яблони и груши,
Поплыли туманы над рекой.
Выходила на берег Катюша,
На высокий, на берег крутой.
Apple trees and pear trees were a-flower, While she walked she sang a song. Аbout a grey eagle of the steppe, Oh, you song, you little song of a girl, May he remember this maiden girl
Russian Songs from the 1980-1990-es
Another beautiful Russian pop song from the 1980s with lyrics.
На белом белом покрывале января
Вот и оно - долгожданное лето игривое,
Время закатов и рассветов ревнивое.
То ли от сказочных наслаждений жаре назло
Снятся январские мне виденья, но в них тепло.
На белом-белом покрывале января
Любимой девушки я имя написал...
Не прогоняй меня, мороз,
Хочу побыть немного я
На белом-белом покрывале января.
Блещут огнём рестораны и бары, а время час,
Танец один танцуют пары в десятый раз.
Останови золотую ламбаду, магнитофон,
Больше меня не буди, не надо, мне снится сон.
Пухом лебяжьим ложится пена на берега.
Чудо любое могут сделать юга, юга...
То ли от сказочных наслаждений жаре назло
Снятся январские мне виденья, но в них тепло.
Here it is the long awaited summer, playful
Time of sunsets and sunrises, jealous
Is that because of fairyte-like pleasures, making the heat angry
I'm seeing January visions and I'm warm in them
On the white-white cover of January
I wrote the name of the girl I'm in love with
Don't push me away frost
I want to stay for a little more
On the white-white cover of January
Restaurants and bars are shining at 1 in the morning
Pairs are dancing the same dance for the tenth time
Stop the golden lambada, stereo
Don't wake me up any more, please don't, I'm dreaming
Like a swan's down foam falls on the shores
Any miracle can come true in the south
Is that because of fairyte-like pleasures , make the heat jealous
I'm seeing dreams of January and I'm warm in them.
Modern Russian Songs
There are many great modern Russian songs of course. I will try to pick out the best for you to listen and provide lyrics so that you could sing along if you can. I really like this singer Maksim so here's some songs from her with lyrics and translation.
МакSим - Мой рай
Наверно это мой рай
И хорошо, что он не знает про такую как я
Наверно это мой рай |
This seems like my paradise And it's a good thing that he doesn't know about me
and that in my dreams there are vanilla snowflakes and winter and under my footsteps there are strong cold winds and ice He will never leave my thoughts again and I'm not ashamed to cry out that this is love
His words have burned my blood for 3 minutes so strong
I keep saying to myself that everything is fine
But I understand I need him, still need him This seems like my paradise |
МакSим - Нежность
Такая нежность на зеркалах
Где тени поз в дошкольном платье
Рисуют нежность на телах, а в глазах лето
Бесконечно еще так нежно
Such tenderness in the mirrors
Where shadows of poses in the preschool dress
Drawing tenderness on the bodies, and the summer in the eyes
Eternally and so tender