Past Tense verbs are formed :

  1. by adding suffix to the stem of infinitive: шить -шил (to saw-sawn)
  2. by changing form altogether: идти - шел (to go - went)

Suffix -л could be omitted in some forms of masculine gender (zero suffix):

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If the stem of infinitive ends with

-ере or a consonant

расти -рос, стереть -стёр, залезть -залез

to grow -grew, to erase -erased, to get into - got into
2. Verbs with suffix -ну- with meaning of gradual change to some state сохнуть -сох, зависнуть- завис to get dry - got dry, to freeze - froze


The past tense verbs are modified by gender. They are not modefied by person.

In colloquial Russian some verbs could be used in the imperative mood:

Так пошел купил хлеба! (Go and buy bread now!)

Ну-ка пошел отсюда, я кому сказал? (Go away, i'm talking to you!)


Some forms in the past could actually be used to express future and present:

Ну все я поехал! (Alright then I'm gone!) Мы пошли, ты с нами? (We're going, are you with us?)